Hello, I'm


Frontend developer

Layout design

Landing Page creation

Data visualization

Interface development

...and all that

Recent Projects

terrorist attacks in Russia
Terrorist attacks in Russia

30 biggest terrorist attacks in Russia since 2000

List of cognitive biases
List of cognitive biases

Cognitive distortions refer to systematic errors in thinking or pattern deviations that arise from dysfunctional beliefs embedded in cognitive schemas


Brief information about the countries of the world: area, population, currency exchange rate, weather in the capital, economic indicators


Landing page layout: a short description from a trip to Namibia

Solar system
Solar system

Landing page layout: information about the Solar System, its planets

Export Hydrocarbons
Export Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbon exports from Russia (2000 - 2021)

Population of Russia
Population of Russia

SVG map with the population of Russia by region


Landing page layout: a brief excursion from a trip to Vietnam

Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay

An amazing place in Vietnam. Brief notes from the trip

50 largest countries by GDP
50 largest countries by GDP

50 largest economies in the world according to 2021 data

GDP per capita
GDP per capita

GDP per capita in US dollars according to IMF data for 2021

30 shots
30 shots

A set of pictures from different cities